Extended Maintenance Programs

Our extended service serves our customers in several ways:
Our contract covers every aspect of your machines with regard to running the Apprentice software and other applications used by your office. It includes such intricate issues as interconnection with the state of Arkansas S-T-A-R network, INA, AOC and the Internet.
Our trouble-shooting will not end up in a dispute between a software and hardware person, each claiming the other is at fault. Since we provide both hardware and specialized software support, one call to Apprentice can resolve the problem, whatever the source.
Our contract includes complete on-site services as needed to maintain the healthy operation of your systems. Factory warranties cover the equipment, but do not cover the cost of re-configuring a repaired workstation using or re-installing programs or data, which may be lost because of equipment failure.
Apprentice service is designed to maintain the integrity of your data. The cost of your equipment is measured in thousands of dollars, but what about the value of many years’ worth of records? Our on-site response team takes necessary steps to care for your data, not just your equipment.
While the manufacturer’s warranty is from 90 days to one year, (depending on the item at issue), ours covers you on everything for 3 years.